Cyber Due Diligence

in Mergers and Aquisitions

Cyber Due Diligence in Mergers and Aquisitions

Understanding Traditional Cyber Due Diligence

Traditional M&A cyber due diligence involves reviewing a target company’s cybersecurity documentation, procedures, and tools. This approach, while comprehensive in data collection, often limits itself to merely confirming the existence of certain cybersecurity measures—essentially “checking the box.” This can result in an overwhelming amount of information that may not necessarily translate into a useful understanding of how these measures are implemented or their effectiveness.

Traditional M&A cyber due diligence involves reviewing a target company’s cybersecurity documentation, procedures, and tools. This approach, while comprehensive in data collection, often limits itself to merely confirming the existence of certain cybersecurity measures—essentially “checking the box.” This can result in an overwhelming amount of information that may not necessarily translate into a useful understanding of how these measures are implemented or their effectiveness.

Identify Threats Prior To Closing

Ransomware Susceptibility
Existing Critical Vulnerabilities
Past and Active Dark Web Threats

Cyber Threat Due Diligence Process

Initial Assessment & Portfolio Benchmarking
Threat Analysis
Reporting and Strategic Recommendations
Remediation Oversight & Management